Carpe Diem!

11:08 AM at 11:08 AM

An innate urge to live and let live,
Is lucid if you forget and forgive
What is right or wrong is tricky to sieve,
Yet what makes one noble is the desire to give.

Differences & discords are part of all liaisons,
Opinion is shaped based on one’s interpretations,
Ambiguous perceptions lead to misconceptions,
Yet what flush it even are effective interactions .

Life comes a full circle with ups-and-downs;
In constantly striving to earn a few more pounds,
It is realistic to anticipate many a frowns,
Yet what make it worth living are the enlivening dawns.

Responsibilities & chores walk with us as shadows ,
Forsaking them is like jumping into hollows.
What is part of life are joys and sorrows,
Yet what make one happy are colors of the rainbows.

The path of life is tread with hopes and aspirations;
In trying to sincerely fulfil everyone’s expectations,
It is possible to get trapped in trying complications,
Yet what makes it painless is having true intentions.


lucky said...

I like the last part specifically, 'true intentions'

There is a post by unpredicatable also on the same theme. Funny that I read both of the posts back to back.

I am unable to link here, but if you are interested, unpred is linked on my blog roll.

lucky said...

You are also on a limbo ... wake up and blog plz :)