
1:44 PM at 1:44 PM

“There are some things money can’t buy; for all others, there is Master Card,” – This punch line always got me thinking on how effortless fulfilling your materialistic desires is made to sound. Well, who do they think pay for the Master Card, their in-laws? But, I guess each one of us at one point or the other in life has taken shelter under the fiscal umbrella called credit cards that sure convinces to save us from the teary rain showering from the eyes, if unmanageable, from the nose too :-); but not for long though :-).
To get to the point, all our desires and yearnings are accompanied with a price to pay, not necessarily money; it could be anything from losing something precious in return, causing an emotional imbalance, spending a lot of money that you don’t possess in the first place, or for a change if you crave for something easily achievable, you might end up being happy as well.

However, happiness always seems to be short-lived, coz what you achieve easily is not what you actually pine for in most cases :-). Being content and happy is never really the goal, is it? Being in a constant state-of-hope is something that coerces our existence. And rightly so, hunger for something you can’t get a bite of straightforwardly is what makes life interesting and challenging!

Someone has fittingly said, “Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitations.” If you want something, go get it; but without hurting/harming someone else in the process. Desires are like the cake you want to keep and eat as well, be careful not to be left with a rotten cake, not good to be kept or eaten :-).

My poetic fetish of late is actually yearning for a poetic take on the topic and here it goes:

The heart meanders from pole to pole,
Seeking the unfeasible takes its toll.
It sprints, it leaps and it takes a stroll,
Stubbornly so till it torments the soul.

What makes one happy is a treasure unknown,
It could be peace, love or some precious stone.
With zeal, grit and will of your own
Fulfilling your desire is not an unreachable zone.

Yearning for something you want the most,
Is not wrong till you recognize your coast.
While satisfying your yen, don’t hurt the host,
Enjoy the feeling and call for a toast!

- Swetha Krishnan


Unknown said...

Yearning for something you want the most, Is not wrong till you recognize your coast
very nicely written and very true.....
u rock........

BuckBear said...

Desire is good. Wanting is good. Desire fuels our expansion. What we resist persists.A resistance to desire, either conscious or unconscious, has blocked the way to heightened awareness.We are being given a green light to lighten up, to not take ourselves so seriously. We are being given permission ...not that we ever needed permission - to dream, to imagine, to envision. We are being given free reign to think big and have big desires.and this is a wonderful gift. U desire, u acheive and u r happpy... wow that didnt sound so convoluted.

And i must say, you have a brain for penmanship. a very well written blog and the poem was the icing on the cake. I loved the last few lines :)

Swetha Krishnan said...

@ deepa - thanks babe! your comments are highly appreciated :-)

@ JV - "U desire, u achieve and u r happy" sounds simple and hunky-dory...wish it always remains this way :-) Thanks very much for your comments!

Unknown said...

My God!! U've really amazed me....didnt know i was in a company of such a talented buddy for so long...Every post i read urges me to read further...keep it up dear...