
5:33 PM at 5:33 PM

In most of our lives, there exists a role model, an idol who plays a vital role in shaping and influencing our actions, deeds, thoughts, feelings and our mere existence. This icon could be a renowned author, a popular pin-up, a superstar, a legendary sportsman, a great friend, an adorable family member, a nobody or most importantly it could just be you. It’s bizarre how we seldom acknowledge and appreciate it.

Was stalled in a holding pattern with lack of ideas and topics dominating my existence for a while now, read my friend’s wonderful blog last night and the writer in me seems to be bubbling with creativity all over again :-). Doesn’t this speak to the blog title itself? Its strange how I don’t believe in deifying one idol, I usually am inspired by the talent, the genius and the brighter side in one and all. This blog is dedicated to each one of you who have inspired me in some walk of my life and continue to motivate me along…

Inspiration is that almighty force that arises from the inside. It lights you up, and gives you more power than you ever expected. Although brainwave occurs in a lot of different forms, for example, you could be inspired to perform a trivial chore or it could be something that changes your life completely, it is significantly important for that influence to bring out a positive upshot that forces out the best in us! (literally :-))

My mom will always be my greatest source of inspiration and here are the reasons why…from waking up at 5:00 a.m. each morning and cooking mouthwatering breakfast and lunch for all of us, from tolerating all our idiosyncrasies to showering unconditional love, from worrying about us at each step to sacrificing a lot more for our happiness, from being a tower of strength to being a wonderful friend (this list is too long to list :-)), mothers rule! The point I am trying to make here is that it’s amazing how day-to-day activities performed by one individual can motivate and ignite the spark in us to do something that we usually shy away from or just to better ourselves.

Lately, I have become more than indomitable in hitting the gym atleast 5 times a week, not only do I thank this friend who amazingly inspires me, but also thanks to my very own reflection in the mirror :-). Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, a “very old and still kicking” musical program on Zee TV tranforms the bathroom singer in me to a wannabe Indian idol or something of that sort…The realization has dawned on me, and through these examples I just want to portray that each one of us is bestowed with the potential to make it big, all you need is inspiration!!!
So bring it on…Be inspired :-)


Envy said...

there u go swetha,
u have found the secret to lead a successful and happy life. never let these inspirations die and believe me you will find many in that daily path of life...

get inspired and inspire others


Anonymous said...

you truly are very Inspirational:-)
I really like the wise use of words.I guess it is very true this little word means so much and can make things happens ,do wonders in life.I'm a big believer myself and thanks to inpiring others to belive in their true potential...
remember that Adidas punch line "Impossible in Nothing" :-)


Sulz said...

NIce to know u have realized the imporatnce of gym ... :) i m sure when u get back ot being the "younger" shweta [from like the 2004] many ppl will be insprired !

Swetha Krishnan said...

@ Sulz....well I guess as years pass by, I will grow old and not young, irrespective of all that I guess whats more important is that you always feel young at heart, and I do :-)
Thanks for your comments!

Swetha Krishnan said...

@ Guru...very true, nothing is really impossible!

BuckBear said...

Wow...I am out of words !!
Some one said what lies behind us and before us are tiny compared to what lies within us and all it takes is to make an effort.
Am i glad after reading this blog ? :).
U rock !! Let the force be with you :)

Swetha Krishnan said...

@ buckbear... better be glad coz when I referred to "my friend" twice in this blog, "you know who"... :-)
Thanks a lot for your comments...highly appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Dear Swetha,

I went thru all your blogs, and ... you write really well!

sometimes the seeing someone's blog gives a person more insight into the blogger's personality. I know you since forever, little sis, but seeeing your writing adds an extra facet to the Swetha I know and love,


Unknown said...

Sweths.... Truely said! N very well written!! It inspired me too:) Keep it going.....